+ Sega Genesis Mini

Condition: New
Release Date: September 19, 2019
G-O Number: 0001-SGEN
UPC Number: 010086100372
Publisher: Sega
ESRB Rating
Blood and Gore, Violence
This is a collection of 42 classic Sega Genesis games in which players can participate in platformers, role-playing, racing, action-adventure, and fighting games. The fighting games allow players to select human and fantastical characters to engage in one-on-one combat using punches, kicks, and special moves (e.g., fireballs, energy blasts, weapons) to deplete opponents' life meters. Some fighting games include violent finishing-move sequences: an opponent thrown into giant fan blades; a character burned at the stake; machine gun-wielding gangsters shooting defeated opponents—small splashes of blood may appear. In some games, characters appear to have exposed ribs, organs, and bones; some zombies/ghouls are depicted with viscera/guts spilling from their stomachs; in one game, goblin enemies can be dismembered or decapitated.
What is included
- Genesis Mini Console
- 2 Wired Control Pads
- USB Power Adapter
- Power Cable
- HDMI Cable
The iconic SEGA Genesis console that defined a generation of gaming returns in a slick, miniaturized unit. The SEGA Genesis Mini console is loaded with 40 legendary games and is plug and play ready right out of the box!
- Miniature SEGA Genesis replica
- Includes 40 Legendary Games
- Ready to plug and play
Game List
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Castlevania: Bloodlines
- Space Harrier 2
- Shining Force
- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
- Toe Jam & Earl
- Comix Zone
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Altered Beast
- Gunstar Heroes
- Virtua Fighter 2
- Alisia Dragoon
- Strider
- MW (Monster World) IV
- Eternal Champions
- Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
- World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
- Thunder Force III
- Super Fantasy Zone
- Shinobi: Return of the Ninja Master
- Streets of Rage 2
- Earthworm Jim
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Contra: Hard Corps
- Landstalker
- Columns
- Kid Chameleon
- Light Crusader
- Beyond Oasis
- Ghouls n Ghosts
- Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
- Golden Axe
- Phantasy Star IV
- Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
- Mega Man: The Wily Wars
- Sonic Spinball
- Vectorman
- Wonder Boy in Monster World
- Dynamite Headdy
- Tetris - Bonus
- Darius- Bonus