+ Watch Dogs: Legion Gold Edition

Condition: New
Release Date: October 29, 2020
G-O Number: 0041-XONE-N
UPC Number: 887256090746
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
ESRB Rating
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
This is an action-adventure game set in futuristic London during the upheaval following a terrorist bombing. Players control members of a hacker group intent on resisting malevolent powers through a variety of means, including violence. From a third-person perspective, players explore an open-world environment while hacking electronic devices, using stealth to infiltrate/obtain information, and engaging in combat with enemies. Players use melee weapons (e.g., pipes, crowbars) and firearms (e.g., pistols, machine guns, assault rifles) to kill enemies; combat can be frenetic, highlighted by realistic gunfire, slow-motion effects, cries of pain, and blood-splatter. Cutscenes depict further instances of violence: a man shot in the head; a crime lord beaten to death by several people; a character stabbed in the neck with a scalpel. During the course of the game, players can encounter a human-organ harvesting operation where corpses are depicted lying on tables/slabs amid bloodstained rags, surgical instruments, and severed hands or feet. The game contains some sexual material: red light districts with sex shops advertising nude dancers and sex toys; missions/storylines referencing prostitution. As players explore the open-world, their character can drink alcoholic beverages, causing the screen to distort and the character to eventually pass out. Some missions involve drugs/drug running, or have players navigating locations that depict drug packages, scales, and other paraphernalia. The words “f**k,” “c*nt,” and “sh*t” appear in the dialogue.
Gold Edition includes
- Base Game
- Premium SteelBook
- Season Pass
- New Story Expansion + Extra DEDSEC Missions
- 4 Unique Playable Heroes
- Watch Dogs: Complete Edition (Original Game)
- DEDSEC Car Skin
Watch Dogs: Legion is a recipient of over 65 E3 Awards and Nominations.
Build a resistance made from anyone in the world to take back a near-future London that is facing its downfall.
Experience a never-before-seen gameplay innovation that allows you to recruit and play as anyone you see in the iconic city of London.
- Every single character is playable and has a unique backstory, personality and skillset
- Hack armed drones, deploy spider-bots, and take down enemies using an Augmented Reality Cloak
- Explore a massive urban open world featuring Londons many iconic landmarks and fun side activities
- Take your recruits online and team up with your friends as you complete missions and challenging endgame content
Additional Information
- This game leverages Smart Delivery allowing access to both the Xbox One title and Xbox Series X title when available.